RNFBApp – ‘React/RCTVersion.h’ file not found: The Ultimate Guide to Resolving this Frustrating Error
Image by Roqhelle - hkhazo.biz.id

RNFBApp – ‘React/RCTVersion.h’ file not found: The Ultimate Guide to Resolving this Frustrating Error

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Are you tired of encountering the dreaded “RNFBApp – ‘React/RCTVersion.h’ file not found” error when building your React Native app? You’re not alone! This frustrating issue has plagued many developers, causing hours of hair-pulling and head-scratching. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to vanquish this error once and for all.

What’s Causing the Error?

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s understand what’s causing this error. The ‘React/RCTVersion.h’ file is a crucial part of the React Native framework, responsible for managing the versioning of the React and React Native libraries. When this file is missing, the build process gets thrown off, resulting in the error message.

Possible Reasons for the Error:

  • Corrupted or incomplete installation of React Native
  • Missing or outdated dependencies
  • Incorrectly configured Xcode project
  • Conflicting versions of React and React Native

Solution 1: Verify React Native Installation

The first step is to ensure that React Native is installed correctly. Run the following command in your terminal:

npm install react-native-cli

This will reinstall React Native and its dependencies. Once the installation is complete, try building your app again to see if the error persists.

Solution 2: Check Dependencies

Outdated or missing dependencies can cause this error. Make sure you have the latest versions of React and React Native installed. Run the following commands:

npm install react@latest
npm install react-native@latest

After updating the dependencies, try building your app again.

Solution 3: Configure Xcode Project

Xcode can be finicky, so let’s ensure that the project is configured correctly.

  1. Open your Xcode project and navigate to the Build Settings tab.
  2. Search for Header Search Paths and add the following path:

This tells Xcode to look for the ‘React/RCTVersion.h’ file in the correct location.

Solution 4: Manage Conflicting Versions

Sometimes, conflicting versions of React and React Native can cause issues. Let’s take a closer look at our package.json file:

  "dependencies": {
    "react": "^17.0.2",
    "react-native": "^0.68.2"

Verify that the versions of React and React Native are compatible. You can check the official React Native documentation for compatible version combinations.

Solution 5: Manual Installation of ‘RCTVersion.h’

If all else fails, we can try installing the ‘RCTVersion.h’ file manually.

  1. Create a new file in the node_modules/react-native/React directory and name it RCTVersion.h.
  2. Add the following content to the file:
#ifndef RCTVersion_h
#define RCTVersion_h

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface RCTVersion : NSObject

+ (NSString *)version;


#endif /* RCTVersion_h */

This is a temporary fix and might not be the most elegant solution, but it can get you up and running again.


There you have it, folks! With these solutions, you should be able to resolve the “RNFBApp – ‘React/RCTVersion.h’ file not found” error and get back to building your React Native app. Remember to patience and persistence, as troubleshooting can be a tedious process. If you’re still stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to the React Native community for further assistance.

Solution Description
Verify React Native Installation Reinstall React Native and its dependencies
Check Dependencies Update React and React Native to the latest versions
Configure Xcode Project Add the correct Header Search Path to the Xcode project
Manage Conflicting Versions Verify compatible versions of React and React Native
Manual Installation of ‘RCTVersion.h’ Create the ‘RCTVersion.h’ file manually and add the required content

By following these solutions, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the “RNFBApp – ‘React/RCTVersion.h’ file not found” error and delivering a high-quality React Native app to your users.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re stuck with the dreaded “RNFBApp – ‘React/RCTVersion.h’ file not found” error, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What is the “RNFBApp – ‘React/RCTVersion.h’ file not found” error?

This error occurs when your React Native project is unable to find the ‘RCTVersion.h’ file, which is a crucial component of the React Native framework. It’s like trying to build a house without bricks – it just won’t work!

Why does this error happen?

This error can occur due to a variety of reasons, including incorrect project setup, missing dependencies, or outdated versions of React Native. Yeah, it’s like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces – it’s frustrating, but solvable!

How do I fix the “RNFBApp – ‘React/RCTVersion.h’ file not found” error?

To fix this error, try cleaning and reinstalling your project’s node modules, ensuring that you have the correct versions of React Native and its dependencies installed. You can also try resetting your project’s cache and deleting derived data. It’s like hitting the refresh button on your project – it’s a fresh start!

What if I’m still stuck after trying the above solutions?

If you’re still stuck, try checking your project’s configuration files, such as the Podfile or package.json, to ensure that everything is set up correctly. You can also try searching for similar issues online or seeking help from the React Native community. Don’t worry, you’re not alone in this struggle – we’ve all been there!

How can I prevent this error from happening in the future?

To prevent this error from happening in the future, make sure to regularly update your project’s dependencies and ensure that you’re using the correct versions of React Native and its dependencies. You can also try automating your project’s build process to reduce the risk of human error. It’s like having a safety net for your project – you’ll be protected from those pesky errors!

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