Python (Dash) web app deployment on Azure with pipeline: Optimizing the deployment process
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Python (Dash) web app deployment on Azure with pipeline: Optimizing the deployment process

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Are you tired of waiting for what feels like an eternity for your Python (Dash) web app to deploy on Azure via pipeline? Are you frustrated by the message “Building wheel for pandas still running” hanging like a dark cloud over your deployment process? Fear not, dear developer, for we have got you covered! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to optimize your Python (Dash) web app deployment on Azure, ensuring your pipeline runs smoothly and efficiently.

Understanding the problem: What’s causing the delay?

Before we dive into the optimization techniques, let’s first understand what’s causing the delay in the deployment process. The “Building wheel for pandas still running” message is a common issue that arises when the pipeline is struggling to build the required dependencies for your Python (Dash) web app. This is often due to:

  • SLOW INTERNET CONNECTION: A slow internet connection can significantly slow down the deployment process, as the pipeline needs to download and install the required dependencies.
  • LARGE DEPENDENCY LIST: If your app has a large number of dependencies, it can take the pipeline a long time to build and install them.
  • RESOURCE-INTENSIVE OPERATIONS: Some dependencies, such as pandas, require resource-intensive operations like compilation, which can slow down the deployment process.

Optimization techniques: Speeding up the deployment process

Now that we understand the root causes of the delay, let’s explore some optimization techniques to speed up the deployment process:

1. **Caching dependencies**

Caching dependencies is a great way to speed up the deployment process. By caching the dependencies, you can avoid re-downloading and re-installing them every time you deploy your app. Azure Pipelines provides a built-in caching mechanism that you can leverage to cache your dependencies.

- task: Cache@2
    key: 'python | ${python.version} | ${dependencies.hash}'
    restoreKeys: |
      python | ${python.version} | 
      python | ${python.version}
  displayName: 'Cache dependencies'

- script: |
  pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
  displayName: 'Install dependencies'

2. **Using a wheel cache**

A wheel cache is a repository of pre-built wheels for popular Python packages. By using a wheel cache, you can avoid the time-consuming process of building wheels from source. Azure Pipelines provides a built-in wheel cache that you can use to speed up the deployment process.

- task: UsePythonVersion@2
    version: '3.x'
  displayName: 'Use Python 3.x'

- task: PipCache@2
    cacheKey: 'wheel_cache'
  displayName: 'Use wheel cache'

- script: |
  pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
  displayName: 'Install dependencies'

3. **Optimizing pandas installation**

Pandas is a popular Python package that’s often culprit behind the “Building wheel for pandas still running” message. By optimizing the pandas installation process, you can significantly speed up the deployment process.

- script: |
  pip install --no-cache-dir pandas --no-binary :all:
  displayName: 'Install pandas'

4. **Using a more efficient package manager**

pip is the default package manager for Python, but it’s not the most efficient one. By using a more efficient package manager like pipx, you can speed up the deployment process.

- script: |
  pipx install -r requirements.txt
  displayName: 'Install dependencies'

5. **Parallelizing tasks**

By parallelizing tasks, you can significantly speed up the deployment process. Azure Pipelines provides a built-in mechanism for parallelizing tasks that you can leverage to speed up the deployment process.

- task: PythonScript@2
    script: |
      import asyncio
      import concurrent.futures

      async def install_dependencies():
        await asyncio.gather(

      async def install_pandas():
        print('Installing pandas...')
        # install pandas

      async def install_other_dependencies():
        print('Installing other dependencies...')
        # install other dependencies
  displayName: 'Install dependencies'


In conclusion, deploying a Python (Dash) web app on Azure via pipeline can be a time-consuming process, especially when dealing with large dependencies like pandas. However, by leveraging caching, wheel caches, optimizing pandas installation, using efficient package managers, and parallelizing tasks, you can significantly speed up the deployment process. By following the techniques outlined in this guide, you can ensure your pipeline runs smoothly and efficiently, allowing you to focus on what matters most – building amazing apps!

Additional resources

For more information on optimizing Python (Dash) web app deployment on Azure, check out the following resources:

Resource Description
Azure Pipelines documentation A comprehensive guide to using Azure Pipelines for deploying Python apps
Python (Dash) documentation A documentation on building and deploying Python (Dash) web apps
Optimizing pandas installation A guide on optimizing pandas installation for faster deployment

By following the techniques outlined in this guide and leveraging the additional resources provided, you’ll be well on your way to optimizing your Python (Dash) web app deployment on Azure via pipeline. Happy deploying!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your burning questions about deploying Python (Dash) web apps on Azure with pipelines that seem to take forever to build!

Q1: Why is my pipeline taking so long to build, stuck on Building wheel for pandas?

A1: Ah, the infamous pandas wheel building issue! It’s likely because Azure pipelines use a minimal Linux environment, which doesn’t have the necessary dependencies to build pandas quickly. Try using a more robust environment like `ubuntu-latest` or `azurelinux-latest` in your pipeline YAML file. This should give you a boost in building speed!

Q2: Can I use a cached pandas wheel to speed up the build process?

A2: You’re thinking ahead! Yes, you can definitely cache the pandas wheel to avoid rebuilding it every time. Look into using Azure Artifacts or Azure Pipelines’ built-in caching mechanism to store the wheel. This way, you can reuse it across builds and shave off precious minutes from your pipeline runtime!

Q3: How can I optimize my pipeline to reduce the overall build time?

A3: Besides caching wheels, consider the following tweaks: use a faster Python version (e.g., Python 3.9), enable parallel processing for tasks that support it, and split your pipeline into smaller, independent jobs. These changes can significantly reduce your pipeline runtime and get your app deployed faster!

Q4: Are there any alternative ways to deploy my Dash app on Azure?

A4: Yes, you have options! Instead of using Azure Pipelines, you can try deploying your Dash app directly from your local machine using `az webapp up` or by containerizing your app with Docker and deploying it to Azure App Service. These approaches can simplify your deployment process and reduce pipeline complexity!

Q5: What are some best practices for maintaining and updating my Azure pipeline for Dash app deployment?

A5: To keep your pipeline running smoothly, make sure to regularly update your pipeline YAML file to reflect changes in your app dependencies. Also, consider separating your pipeline into distinct stages for build, test, and deployment. This will make it easier to identify and debug issues. Finally, don’t forget to monitor your pipeline’s performance and optimize it regularly to ensure efficient deployment of your Dash app!