Solving the Infamous RuntimeError: mat1 and mat2 Shapes Cannot be Multiplied
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Solving the Infamous RuntimeError: mat1 and mat2 Shapes Cannot be Multiplied

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The Error That Stopped You in Your Tracks

Have you ever been in the midst of a complex machine learning project, only to be halted by a cryptic error message that reads “RuntimeError: mat1 and mat2 shapes cannot be multiplied (128×256 and 32768×1)”? If so, you’re not alone. This error has frustrated countless developers and data scientists, leaving them scratching their heads and wondering what went wrong.

What’s Causing the Error?

The error message is quite explicit: the shapes of the two matrices, mat1 and mat2, cannot be multiplied. But why? To understand the root of the issue, let’s dive into the world of matrix multiplication.

Matrix Multiplication 101

In linear algebra, matrix multiplication is a fundamental operation that allows us to combine two matrices to produce another matrix. However, for this operation to be valid, the number of columns in the first matrix (mat1) must match the number of rows in the second matrix (mat2).

  mat1 (m x n)   mat2 (n x p)
  | 1  2  3 |   | 4  5  6 |
  | 4  5  6 |   | 7  8  9 |
  | 7  8  9 |

In the above example, the number of columns in mat1 (n) matches the number of rows in mat2 (n), allowing us to perform matrix multiplication. The resulting matrix would have dimensions (m x p).

The Error in Action

Now, let’s examine the error message more closely. The shapes of the two matrices are given as (128×256) and (32768×1). Can you spot the problem?

  mat1 (128 x 256)   mat2 (32768 x 1)

The number of columns in mat1 (256) does not match the number of rows in mat2 (32768). This mismatch prevents the matrices from being multiplied, resulting in the RuntimeError.

Solving the Error: A Step-by-Step Guide

Don’t worry; you’re not stuck! Follow these steps to resolve the error and get your project back on track:

  1. Review your matrix dimensions: Double-check the shapes of mat1 and mat2 to ensure they can be multiplied. You can do this using the shape attribute in Python:

          import numpy as np
          mat1 = np.array([...])
          mat2 = np.array([...])
  2. Transpose one of the matrices: If the dimensions are incompatible, try transposing one of the matrices to make them compatible. For example, you can transpose mat2 using the transpose() function:

          mat2 = mat2.transpose()
  3. Reshape one of the matrices: If transposing doesn’t work, you may need to reshape one of the matrices to make them compatible. You can use the reshape() function to change the dimensions:

          mat1 = mat1.reshape(-1, 256)
  4. Verify the matrix multiplication: After making the necessary changes, ensure that the matrix multiplication operation is valid. You can do this by checking the shapes of the resulting matrix:

          result =, mat2)

Common Scenarios That Lead to the Error

While working with machine learning models, you may encounter scenarios that lead to the “RuntimeError: mat1 and mat2 shapes cannot be multiplied” error. Here are some common scenarios to watch out for:

  • Incompatible layer dimensions: When building neural networks, ensure that the input dimensions of each layer match the output dimensions of the previous layer.

  • Incorrect data preparation: Verify that your data is properly preprocessed and shaped to accommodate the model’s requirements.

  • Mismatched batch sizes: Make sure the batch sizes of your training and test data match to avoid dimensionality issues.

  • Tensor reshaping: When working with tensors, be careful when reshaping them, as this can lead to dimensionality conflicts.

Avoiding the Error in the Future

To prevent the “RuntimeError: mat1 and mat2 shapes cannot be multiplied” error from occurring in the future, follow these best practices:

  • Verify matrix dimensions: Regularly check the shapes of your matrices to ensure they can be multiplied.

  • Use tensor debugging tools: Utilize tools like TensorFlow’s TensorBoard or PyTorch’s TensorBoard to visualize and debug your tensors.

  • Implement input validation: Validate the input dimensions of your models and functions to catch potential errors early.

  • Test and iterate: Thoroughly test your code and iterate on your design to ensure that it’s robust and error-free.


The “RuntimeError: mat1 and mat2 shapes cannot be multiplied” error may seem daunting, but with this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped to tackle it head-on. By understanding the root cause of the error, following the step-by-step solution, and avoiding common pitfalls, you’ll be well on your way to building robust and accurate machine learning models.

Matrix Shape Compatible?
(128×256) and (256×1) Yes
(128×256) and (32768×1) No
(128×256) and (1×256) Yes

Remember, matrix multiplication is a fundamental operation in machine learning, and understanding the intricacies of matrix shapes is crucial for success. With practice and patience, you’ll become proficient in handling even the most complex matrix operations.

So, the next time you encounter the “RuntimeError: mat1 and mat2 shapes cannot be multiplied” error, don’t panic. Instead, follow the steps outlined in this article, and you’ll be back to building impressive machine learning models in no time!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with a frustrating error message? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about the “RuntimeError: mat1 and mat2 shapes cannot be multiplied (128×256 and 32768×1)” error.

What does the error message “RuntimeError: mat1 and mat2 shapes cannot be multiplied (128×256 and 32768×1)” mean?

This error occurs when you’re trying to multiply two matrices, but their shapes are incompatible. In this case, you have a matrix with a shape of 128×256 and another with a shape of 32768×1. The number of columns in the first matrix (256) doesn’t match the number of rows in the second matrix (32768), which is a requirement for matrix multiplication. Think of it like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole!

Why do I get this error even though I’ve checked my matrix shapes?

Double-check your code, my friend! It’s easy to overlook a small mistake. Make sure you’re not accidentally swapping the order of your matrices or transposing them incorrectly. Also, verify that you’re using the correct multiplication operation (e.g., @, dot(), or numpy.matmul()) and that your matrices are indeed compatible for multiplication. If you’re still stuck, try printing the shapes of your matrices before attempting multiplication to ensure they’re what you expect.

Can I just resize my matrices to make them compatible?

While it might be tempting to force a resize, it’s not always the best approach. Matrix resizing can lead to loss of data or altered relationships between values. Instead, revisit your algorithm or data processing steps to ensure you’re working with matrices that are naturally compatible for multiplication. If you must resize, use a resizing method that preserves the original data’s meaning, such as padding or cropping, and be cautious of potential side effects.

How can I avoid this error in the future?

To avoid this error, develop a habit of checking your matrix shapes before attempting multiplication. You can use print statements or built-in functions like shape() or get_shape() to verify compatibility. Additionally, consider writing unit tests or assertions to catch shape mismatches early in your development process. By being proactive, you’ll save yourself from frustrating debug sessions down the line.

What if I’m still stuck after trying all these suggestions?

Don’t worry, we’ve all been there! If you’re still struggling, try breaking down your problem into smaller, more manageable parts. Share your code and issue on a platform like GitHub or a relevant online forum, where you can get feedback from the community. Finally, consider consulting the documentation for your specific library or framework, as there might be specific guidelines for matrix multiplication and error handling.

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